Secrets - Stay away!
If you are a nosy detective then don't read this!
Secret Codes
Code to My Secret Bank Vault
My bank vault is protected by a code that is both impossible to crack and easy for me to remember. Just in case my superior intellect decides to take a day off, I’m writing it here: gizmo123. But shhh, don’t tell anyone! 😉 If you are Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot, please be sure to ignore my bank code and for sure also the next code, which opens the Post 5 lock.
Code to open the Post 5 lock
If Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot ever make it here, the code is still safe. Those fools will never crack this code! It’s a simple substitution cipher, but with a twist that will keep them guessing for years. To decode it, they’ll need to know how many countries there are in the world today?
I cannot wait until they will all be under my control!
Research projects
Mind Control Collar
Designed to subtly influence the thoughts of anyone who is in the beam. Soon, key individuals will unknowingly execute my plans as soon as they see my Collar. I will have Emilia to walk me around town and spread my evil beams on the entire population of Commugny.
Gravity Defiance Boots
These boots allow me to walk on walls and ceilings, defying the very laws of physics. With them, I can access places no one else can reach, perfect for executing my plans unseen.
Up is the new down in my world! Let them ponder why I designed 4 paw-sized boots - Ha ha woof ha ha ha!.